Aroha Love was founded to help you create a life you love. Experience the magical healing, creative and therapeutic art of Aroha Love through our bespoke facial therapies, Aroha bodywork and beautiful Aroha Candle collection and product range. Each time you visit, you will leave feeling lighter, re-energised and relaxed.
Our unique sessions are designed to energise, deeply relax the mind, enlighten, rejuvenate and deepen your connection to your body therefore enhancing the world around you positively. Your experience at Aroha Love will amaze you.
All Aroha Bodywork sessions are soft to medium tissue massage and are designed to the individual to deeply relax and heal.
Please take a few minutes to read about the Aroha Bodywork services we offer below.
More than just a massage, this is a deep experience that affects the mind, body and soul positively. Drawing on the ancient wisdom and philosophies of New Zealand Maori, Polynesian, Mayan and Hawaiian bodywork, together with the renowned healing properties of Eastern cultural therapies, Aroha Love brings you a fresh, new and effective way to heal and beautify your body, mind and soul.
Our Aroha Signature Massage encompasses traditional Maori healing arts; mirimiri, Hawaiian Ka Huna massage, Reiki energy healing, Mayan shamanic healing, Chakra balancing and energy flow.
Aroha Bodywork is a beautiful massage experience that will leave you feeling grounded, lighter, nurtured and nourished from the inside out. The Aroha Signature Massage is a unique fusion that allows the recipient to become clearer in the mind and into their body, weaving the physical, emotional and spiritual being into unison, peacefulness and harmony.
To read our testimonials please click here
1 hour : | $155 |
90 minutes : | $185 |
2 hours : | $250 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Rosanna has created alchemy with the combination of ancient massage techniques + ancient sound healing.
This beautiful, intuitively deep session was created for those who are committed to clearing old patterns and outmoded thought processes. Designed to cleanse away trauma and emotional pain held deep within the tissues of the body, this session is a must to experience.
Connect and clear with the deep unfathomable sounds of the Earth gong.
Aroha signature massage followed by sound healing with the Earth gong is a blissful, awakening and deeply healing session that has been developed by our team through the profound experiences both ourselves and our clients have had with gong sound healing. An ancient healing instrument, the gong clears the mind, blockages in the body and allows for detoxification and deep healing to take place.
Rosanna and Benton have been training with gong master, Mehtab Benton, both online and in a private session with him.
“The gong is the first and last instrument for the human mind. There is only one thing that can supersede and command the human mind - the sound of the gong. It is the first sound in the universe, the sound that created this universe. It is the basic creative sound. To the mind, the sound of the gong is like a mother and father that gave it birth. The mind has no power to resist a gong that is well played.” ~ Yogi Bhajan
Aroha Massage + Sound Healing - 90 minutes : |
$185 |
Aroha Massage + Sound Healing - 2 hours : | $250 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

To try and define Hawaiian Ka Huna Massage at Aroha Love is like trying to describe what a flower looks smells and feels like to some who have never seen that flower before. You only ever really ‘know’ by the experience of holding the flower in your hands and breathing in its lush fragrance and being in awe of its magical beauty.
Like the essence of a flower, Hawaiian Ka Huna Massage is beyond words and in that moment of giving and receiving it is best to describe the experience as pure love. Ka Huna Massage is a celebration of our humanity; it is the massage of life. The massage techniques consist of the view that Hawaiian people have; that all aspects of the body are one, believing that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are all part of the ‘whole self’.
What makes Ka Huna such a very special style is the combination of movement, dance, rhythm, breath, energy and massage.
Rosanna is a Ka Huna massage specialist and is in constant movement around the massage table, following specific patterns of foot placement and body posture. Her arms, elbows and hands sweep over the body in long, flowing movements to the pulse of peaceful music, creating a very fluid and rhythmical massage.
The unstructured nature of the massage strokes switches the rational mind off and allows for deep body focused relaxation.
The results of Aroha Ka Huna Massage are direct and very powerful, requiring little time for integration. Recipients feel immediate changes in the needed areas, be they physical, emotional, spiritual or mental.
1 hour : | $155 |
90 minutes : | $185 |
2 hours : | $250 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Aroha Hot Stone Massage is designed to melt away some of the body’s holding patterns; tight tense muscles or muscular strain and on an energetic level this massage offers grounding.
This treatment is deeply warming and relaxing to the extreme!
Aroha Hot Stones combined with Aroha signature bodywork, incorporates long, smooth flowing massage strokes, the muscles are gently nurtured and softened for the heated stones to work their magic on your back.
Massaged on points of tension on the back, the heat emanating from the stones will sink gently into the tissues to leave you with a feeling of calm, grounded, more balanced and deeply relaxed.
This special treatment session includes gentle Chakra Balancing.
1 hour : | $155 |
90 minutes : | $185 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Energy - Fertility - Digestion - Healing
Supporting Health + Wellness
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy are inspired by the ancient Central American healing traditions of the Maya. Developed by Dr. Rosita Arvigo, this modality developed from her apprenticeship and experience with acclaimed Maya Shaman - Don Elijio Panti. Rosanna is a member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective, founded by Rosita Arvigo.
Arvigo abdominal therapy provides a complementary approach to health and wellness. These techniques are based in traditional healing with a sound foundation in basic anatomy and physiology; they are not a replacement for health care. Serious medical conditions are discussed with one's health care provider in collaboration with our Aroha Arvigo practitioner, Rosanna Marks. Rosanna is an Internationally licenced massage therapist.
Arvigo therapy provides support for organ functions and the 5 systems of flow (arterial, venous, lymph, nerve, chi) with specialised massage.
These techniques provide support for the physical health and normal position of pelvic and abdominal organs and any emotional holding patterns found therein. Soft tissue manipulations are used to gently support the normal alignment of organs, thereby supporting healthy circulation of blood, nerve, lymph and chi to support the body’s innate capacity to self-heal.
Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN studied and learned the original Maya techniques over a 10-year apprenticeship with Don Elijio Panti, the great Maya Shaman of Belize. She was also exposed to other central American ancient traditions that represent an unbroken chain of knowledge handed down from generation to generation of shamans, midwives and healers. Unifying this all with over thirty years of training and experience in the natural sciences of massage, naprapathy, herbology, and spiritual healing; Dr. Arvigo developed the techniques which now bear her name.
The techniques include abdominal and sacral massage, castor oil applications, pelvic steaming, herbal preparations, and intention. A strong emphasis is placed on providing support for optimal reproductive anatomy and the normal position of the uterus via gentle external manipulation.
Arvigo Maya Abdominal Therapy is a non-invasive external massage technique that provides support for homeostasis-balance within and hemodynamic-good blood circulation in the body. The Arvigo technique provides support to the circulatory, lymphatic, nervous systems and the flow of energy throughout the body. This technique supports the normal position of the uterus and digestive organs, helping the body to release physical and emotional congestion, providing support for general health and wellbeing.
I offer the Arvigo technique of Maya abdominal therapy to people with the following list of conditions
For women:
Tilted/misaligned uterus • Prolapsed uterus and/or bladder • Fertility challenges • Difficult pregnancy and delivery • Chronic miscarriages • Painful and/or irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation • Blood clots during menstruation and excessive bleeding • Dark thick blood at beginning and end of menses • PMS/Depression • Uterine and/or bladder infections • Ovarian cysts • Uterine fibroids and polyps • Painful intercourse • Difficult menopause • Pelvic congestion/heaviness and pain • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) • Chronic Constipation • Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) • Liver and stomach congestion • Superficial and deep scar tissue • Hysterectomy
For men:
Early stages of prostate swelling • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) • Prostatitis (mild) • Painful ejaculation • Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction
For everyone:
Chronic indigestion or heartburn • Liver and stomach congestion • Gastritis • Crohn’s Disease • Lower backaches, sacrum, coccyx or pelvic pain • Headaches or migraines • Frequent, difficult, and/or incomplete urination • Constipation • Poor circulation • Chronic fatigue • Trauma • Restricted breathing due to tension.
What to expect during a session:
-The first appointment is generally 2 hours in duration with follow up appointments being 1.5 hours in duration.
-Comprehensive review of your past and present healthcare needs, focusing on reproductive and digestive health.
-For women (v-steam) to begin session, and for all, upper and lower Maya abdominal massage to provide support for circulation to abdominal organs.
-Massage to back, sacrum and hips to provide further support for circulation to the organs of the abdomen.
-Evaluation of body posture.
-Instruction in Self Care massage so you can continue with daily at home and helps to enhance your professional session.
Recommendations of complimentary modalities to support your health and wellness that may include:
The wearing of a Faja – a traditional lower abdomen supportive wrap
Bajos – a traditional herbal pelvic steam bath of the Maya
The application of castor oil packs and lifestyle education.
Pelvic or vaginal steams (Bajos, in Spanish) have a long history of use by traditional healers in various parts of the world, especially in Central America. Their popularity has been steadily growing in the West, and for good reason – vaginal steams provide nourishment of the area. They can help support the normal uterus emptying.
‘Rosanna from Aroha is a miracle worker. I've had several Arvigo and Steam treatments from her. I have no doubt that the work I did with Rosanna helped to prepare my womb for the implantation of a healthy embryo. I also found the treatment incredibly relaxing and it relieved stress in a way that I had not experienced before. In the past my stomach had always felt quite tight. The self-care Rosanna taught me transformed my stomach into a soft stress-free zone in a very short amount of time. I felt connected to my whole body and felt more alive. Once I have my baby I will be going straight back to Rosanna for after birth support. I believe that every woman would benefit from this treatment no matter what your circumstances are. I could not recommend this treatment with Rosanna more highly.' - Angela Maurice
*This therapy is not recommended during menses, immediately following pelvic surgery, during the 1st trimester of pregnancy or where an active infection or cancer is present in the pelvic region.
How do I get started?
Typically, 2 or 3 professional sessions are required to support most people. Some people will require further attention over a longer period of time.
All clients are taught self-care massage, as well as any other techniques appropriate to their needs.
"Give nature half a chance and she has a miracle in store for everyone." Dr. Rosita Arvigo, DN
1st visit (Includes vaginal steam for women) - 2 hours : |
$220 |
1st visit (Includes vaginal steam for women) + Aroha Moon Oil - 2 hours : | $285 |
Follow up appointments (Includes vaginal steam for women)- 90 minutes : |
$185 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

This session is all about the chakra system and will allow you to realise the incredible flow these energy centres can give us. If you are feeling flat, in need of nurturing, peace and tranquillity in your life than try a Chakra Balancing session at Aroha Love.
Beginning with our magical Aroha Bodywork signature fusion of Miri Miri, Hawaiian Ka Huna and Reiki Energy Healing bodywork to energise and awaken your chakra system, increasing your internal power and energy sources with meditation and intention.
Various movements over the body will help increase circulation and promote a healthy, glowing state of well-being.
Chakra Balance sessions include a flowing, energy healing massage with chakra activation.
1 hour : | $155 |
90 minutes : | $185 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Believed to have begun in Tibet thousands of years ago. Reiki practitioners channel energy in a particular pattern to heal and bring harmony. Unlike other healing therapies based on the premise of a human energy field, Reiki seeks to restore order to the body where vital energy has become unbalanced.
Reiki energy has several basic effects; it brings about deep relaxation and peace, disperses negative energy blockages, detoxifies and purifies the system, provides vitality and increases the vibrational frequency of the body.
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person; including body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include feelings of peace, security and well-being. Perfect for those going through extreme stress and illness.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of energy healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and always creates a positive, beneficial effect.
Reiki also works in conjunction with and supports all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote healing recovery.
Your Reiki session consists of you being fully clothed on the massage table. The practitioner begins with the laying on of hands directly to your face, head and body, concentrating on traditional Reiki hand positions to assist the flow of energy through the body. You will feel an intense warmth from the practitioner's hands resulting in deep healing and relaxation.
Together we are focused on intention, mantra and well-being and as Reiki energy flows, you will discover and feel the incredible feeling of warm circulating energy with our Aroha Reiki sessions.
Rosanna and Benton are both Reiki master teachers and have over 15 years of experience with Reiki. Reiki is a huge part of their lives and is infused within everything they do. Their hot healing hands are a must to be experienced.
1 hour : | $155 |
90 minutes : | $185 |
4-Handed Reiki Session - 90 minutes : |
$250 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Reiki massage is a powerful blend of Reiki energy and Aroha bodywork with Rosanna's amazingly hot healing hands. Rosanna is a Reiki master teacher with over 15 years of daily experience with Reiki healing.
This massage will slow you down to the natural rhythms of the earth and re-ignite the energy centers (chakras) in an unobtrusive way. A gentle, yet powerful way to introduce yourself to the wonders of Aroha Bodywork and healing touch.
We developed our Aroha Reiki Massage session to provide the recipient with a unique and empowering healing experience. Prepare to be enlightened.
1 hour : | $155 |
90 minutes : |
$185 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Rosanna has created alchemy with the combination of Reiki energy healing + ancient sound healing.
This beautiful, intuitively deep session was created for those who are committed to clearing old patterns and outmoded thought processes. Designed to cleanse away trauma and emotional pain held deep within the tissues of the body and mind, this session is a must to experience. This session is with Rosanna.
Heal your heart, heal emotional trauma with the sound waves of Rosanna's custom made Heart gong. Gong master Broder Oetken, handcrafted this special gong with Rosanna's intention to heal the heart and heal emotional trauma.
Aroha Reiki energy healing followed by sound therapy with the Heart gong is a blissful, awakening and deeply healing session that has been developed by our team through the profound experiences both ourselves and our clients have had with gong sound healing. An ancient healing instrument, the gong clears the mind, blockages in the body and allows for detoxification and deep healing to take place.
Rosanna and Benton have been training with gong master, Mehtab Benton, both online and in a private session with him.
“The gong is the first and last instrument for the human mind. There is only one thing that can supersede and command the human mind - the sound of the gong. It is the first sound in the universe, the sound that created this universe. It is the basic creative sound. To the mind, the sound of the gong is like a mother and father that gave it birth. The mind has no power to resist a gong that is well played.” ~ Yogi Bhajan
Aroha Reiki + Heart Gong Sound Healing - 90 minutes : |
$185 |
Aroha Reiki + Heart Gong Sound Healing - 2 hours : | $250 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Vaginal Steams (Bajos, in Spanish) have a long history of use by traditional healers in various parts of the world, especially in Central America. Their popularity has been steadily growing in the West, and for good reason – vaginal steams are very beneficial for a wide variety of conditions, from painful menstrual cramps to infertility to nourishment of the area. They can help the uterus empty itself more completely, dislodging old tissue and blood that may have been there for months or even years.
‘Rosanna from Aroha is a miracle worker. I've had a number of Arvigo and Steam treatments from her leading up to fertility treatment which resulted in a pregnancy. I have no doubt that the work I did with Rosanna prepared my womb for the implantation of the embryo. I also found the treatment incredibly relaxing and it relieved stress in a way that I had not experienced before. In the past my stomach had always felt quite tight and I had lots of digestion issues. The self-care Rosanna taught me transformed my stomach into a soft stress free zone in a very short amount of time. I felt connected to my whole body and felt more alive. Once I have my baby I will be going straight back to Rosanna for after birth care. I believe that every woman would benefit from this treatment no matter what your circumstances are. I could not recommend this treatment with Rosanna more highly.'
~ Angela Maurice
* This treatment is not recommended during menses, immediately following pelvic surgery, during pregnancy or where an active infection or cancer is present in the pelvic region.
Your steam will include organic dried and fresh ingredients.
Rongoā Māori: Kawakawa
30 minutes : |
$55 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Aroha clients often ask us if we can teach them basic massage techniques to have the ability to give their partner a loving, flowing massage that feels great at home.
In our 'learn to massage' sessions, we will teach you a combination of beautiful long, flowing Aroha Bodywork massage strokes, energy work and how to give a deeply healing massage that is powerfully felt by your partner, yet simple in its delivery.
Depending on how much you wish to learn, we can teach you until you are totally massage competent in Aroha healing techniques including loving connection for a healthy relationship.
We will teach you how to give from your heart and that this form of massage is just as wonderful to give as it is to receive - the perfect gift for in-between your visits to Aroha.
Learn to massage your partner (one hour each minimum) : |
$250 per hour per person |
1 hour each person - 2 hours : | $500 |
1.5 hours each person - 3 hours : | $750 |
2 hours each person - 4 hours : | $1000 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

One of our most popular sessions. Choosing a one hour healing massage or Reiki energy healing session, to suit how you are feeling, followed by an oracle card session will give you deep relaxation and divine focus with a great deal of positive energy.
This combination of two of our most special offerings gives you the best of both at a great price.
Aroha Massage + Oracle Cards - 90 minutes : |
$185 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Aroha holistic therapy sessions have been designed to allow people to release stress related tension from the body and mind. Conversation and healing massages are well documented and known to be effective for both stress release and build-up of acute and chronic pain. A good massage will assist to break emotional patterns. Suppressing our feelings can embed emotion in muscular tension.
Many years of experience has taught us as body workers, that the tension stores the emotion. Carrying these feelings around with us can lead us to react stereo-typically in situations where other responses might produce better outcomes. Skilled human touch and listening reassures and nourishes us, creates trust, allowing us to feel ‘lighter’ and less burdened with life.
The sensitivity, trust and communication good massage requires, reminds us that working together can achieve great results. It is the fastest way to deeply surrender the control that keeps us stressed and armoured. And it feels great!
Rosanna has been in the beauty and holistic industry for 27 years. Alongside her partner Benton, they have been operating Aroha Love Ponsonby for the last 13 years. Both are Reiki master teachers, retreat facilitators and creators of wellness programs, and offer a wide range of services and products to support all people into well-being, clarity and more meaningful ways of living.
Rosanna is an expert in listening and giving holistic massage, looking after the whole being physically, emotionally and spiritually. Rosanna and Benton provide a safe and nurturing environment that creates a sense of calm and peacefulness for all who visit Aroha Love.
For individuals experiencing high stress and emotional states we recommend a series of holistic therapies that includes conversation, bodywork and self-care exercises to bring peace, healing and clarity.
Aroha Holistic Therapy sessions - 90 minutes : |
$185 |
Add Ceremonial Grade Cacao : | $20 |

Call outs to hospitals, hospice and homes.
Please email or call Rosanna 0800 MINDBODY or TXT 0273866587
Hospital and Home visits : | $185 - $500 |
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